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RM studio
RM studio 2021-01-08 · 最后回复来自 欢乐马-随机id

户型:别墅 面积:360平米 风格:现代简约 预算:180万元 地区:广东省深圳市

职业 家庭主妇
年龄 70后
个人简介 此项目地是在惠州与深圳交界处的别墅区,本是业主早期投资的一个项目。由于别墅周边环境和绿化非常之好,别墅上下三层,负一楼公共空间可用于男主人平日写字作画放置他珍藏的书籍,也可待客交友。负一楼有一大片世外护院,可以给到年迈的父母种菜养花。二楼可满足日常家庭的功能,客餐厅厨房,外加老人房和两个室外阳台,一个用于观景,一个用于两老看报写字谈心。三楼所有空间主要给男女主人使用,拥有独立超大套房外,女主人还拥有一间独立书房,可静静地读书写字思考。加上只需一个半小时的车程,周末度假时间和距离上刚刚好。所有空间的使用和划分刚刚好可以满足所有家庭成员的需求,因此业主再三斟酌后,决定把这个项目整改为日后一家老小度假之处。原本业主只想由我们提供整体软装设计,因为她希望能由软装主导整体的效果。在整个沟通过程中,前期硬装部分我们也给出了很多建设性的建议,打好基础后,加上业主好品味,我们在后期软装上的碰撞非常的契合,最终呈现出来这套干净通透的作品~
▼ 生活从入门的那一刻就已经开始了,内嵌的鞋柜,远远看去像是一副画框的阴影,连带着从角落里舒展开的绿枝,一起构成了清凉的夏日画卷,看似随意点缀的一抹青翠,为空间带来了灵动感;在鞋柜的设计上,柜体的下面留出了15公分左右的空间放置常换的鞋子,柜面上放包、钥匙区贴心的安装了插座,方便手机充电。

▼ The life from the entry that momently had begun, the shoe ark that inlaid, far look like the shadow of a pair of picture frame, along with the green branch that unfurl from the corner, constituted cool and refreshing summer picture scroll together, look be like optional embellish a verdure, brought spirit to move feeling for the space; On the design of shoe ark, of cabinet put aside the space of 15 centimeters or so to place the shoe that often changes, put a bag on ark face, key area close installation socket, convenient mobile phone is charged.
▼ 客厅沙发 . 沙发椅,在空间中上演着“制衡”的哲学,朴素简练的灰色是黑白之间的过渡,布沙发的敦实浑厚,又与相对纤薄娇小的茶几形成对应;黑与白交织,简单、安稳的排列,复杂是都市人已经习惯的步调,那简单的舒适,则是我们最向往的时刻、最简单的存在。

▼TSofa chair of sitting room sofa, performing in the space "check and balance" philosophy, the gray of simple and succinct is the transition between black and white, cloth sofa is honest and sturdy, form correspondence with the tea table of relative fine thin and petite; Black and white interweave, simple, stable arrangement, complexity is the pace that urbanites have been used to, that simple comfort, it is our most yearning moment, the most simple existence.
▼ 电视柜上张弛有度的纹理,大理石纵情延伸,如同落叶脉络般清晰交织,自然天成的美感让人无法抗拒,都能彰显出独特深邃的艺术格调;无需多余复杂的造型和材质,干净、干练的现代风格就被刻画出来了,吊顶高低差加入灯光的处理,让整个空间更加立体;装饰品的点缀打破空间的沉闷,呈现出不一样的美感和韵味,艺术感油然而生。

▼The texture of relaxation on TV cabinet, marble indulgent extension, as clear as the vein of fallen leaves interweave, the aesthetic feeling that nature becomes lets a person cannot resist, can reveal unique and profound artistic style; There is no need for more complex modeling and material, clean, capable modern style is depicted out, the ceiling height difference adds the processing of light, so that the whole space is more three-dimensional; The ornament of adornment breaks the depressing space, present different aesthetic feeling and lasting appeal, artistic feeling arises spontaneously.
▼ 精致生活源于对细节的执着以求,设计结合金属、石材与布艺,造型简洁优雅,材质拼接处的毫厘分寸彰显出极致品质与奢华;当微风从窗口处撩起白纱,席卷黑白色调的客厅,把即将盛夏的斑斓色彩也散落到了各个角落,坐在柔软的沙发里,手中捧一杯香醇的咖啡,在风中感知大千世界。

▼Exquisite life is derived from the persistent pursuit of details. The design combines metal, stone and cloth art, with simple and elegant modeling. The perfect quality and luxury are highlighted by the precise stitching of materials. When the breeze from the window to lift the white gauze, sweeping the living room of black and white tone, the gorgeous colors of the coming summer also scattered to each corner, sitting in the soft sofa, holding a cup of mellow coffee, in the wind perception of the world.
▼ 当极简的白遇上温润的木,看似高冷的色调又有了一丝温馨,简直美得无可非议,灰白木的简洁色调让餐厅空间看起来赏心悦目,水波纹理石饰面来定义空间的清雅柔和,雅致的米灰色与原木色轻轻地挑起空间的韵律美感,以简洁的表现形式来满足屋主的理性需求,明亮通透又多了一份纯粹和平静。

▼When the minimalist in warm white wood, seemingly high cold tonal have a warmth, can justifiably, beautiful grey wood concise tonal let dining-room space look pleasant, water wave texture of stone facing to define space elegant gentle, refined rice gray with the rhythm of log lubricious gently space aesthetic feeling, with concise form to meet the demand of house advocate rational, bright and a more pure and calm.

▼Local clever design log color, jade, offer the essence of natural color, and white set each other off of the wall, make the whole environment has a comfortable atmosphere, keep warm years of quiet, for the space collocation import crystal transparent texture decoration, echo wave veins stone desktop, open the taste buds in the mental and physical pleasure, make family a meet the demand of state of mind of repast, you need to not only meet the tip of the tongue to stimulate and full, but need a dining-room space can purify the mind.
▼ 厨房在雅白墙面砖的空间基础下,U型的橱柜操作台 . 哑光烤漆白柜门加上亚光黑色暗藏式线形把手的装饰,简约中流露出精致的品格,高低柜中间的隔层既使整体橱柜更加通透,又巧妙的延展了床头柜的部分功能,营造出一个时尚高档的黑白配空间感。

▼Space of the kitchen in YaBai metope brick base, the ambry of U work station. The matte painting white cupboard door with the adornment of the matte black hidden type linear handle, contracted midstream shows delicate character, interlayer between high and low ark already make integral ambry more fully, and ingenious extended the function of part of the bedside table, create a fashion design in black and white space.


▼Advocate the bedroom is given priority to with white color, add a little bright color to adorn, make it more flexible, setting wall soil golden wall cloth joined the texture for the space, let a space more sense of rhythm, interesting, cooperate with the designer of well-chosen soft outfit collocation, gray distinct, full of rhythm, life can touch every detail, seemingly silence silence silent, but if in the meantime, when know among them meaning.
▼ 没有过多的装饰,利用比例、光影、明暗营造空间的质感和氛围,挑动极致的视觉感官;大面积纯净的白色柜面加入少量的胡桃木色,视觉瞬间多了几许灵动,不同材质间的细致对缝,错落有致的完美比例,呈现一种追求极致的艺术美感。

▼Without too much decoration, proportion, light and shade are used to create the texture and atmosphere of the space, so as to stimulate the extreme visual sense. Large area of pure white cabinet face adds a small amount of walnut color, the visual moment is much how clever, the meticulous to seam between different material, strewn at random have send perfect proportion, present a kind of artistic aesthetic feeling that pursues acme.

▼Walk-in cloakroom is the dream of every Japanese. The space is ample enough to place a medium island to use to receive the small article such as tie, glasses, watch, take take convenient, L two groups receive ark, the vision also got outspread while door of matte bake lacquer face cupboard elevates appearance level, the space has clever sex more.

▼Space with contracted, gray system for visual axis with a small wooden elements, comfortable and natural merged to form a desire, let a person away from the hustle and bustle of the city impetuous, a layer of increasing wood platform, the cohesion of platform is a combination of both and sitting room, also played a role in the stairs area and aisle space boundary, with mirror, carry empty and well versed in a variety of art forms such as integrated design, achieve beautification and practical purpose.
▼ 灰色,是骑士的颜色,穿插于黑白之间,隐锋闭芒,无言守护;灰色作为一种中性色,温和、谦恭,给予人冥想的空间;生活的浮躁,在灰色调抚平下变得静谧,在灯光的搭配下显得更为神秘,一种高贵典雅的气质油然而生。光线从窗畔穿过白纱倾泻,留下斑驳。

▼Gray, is the knight's color, interspersed between black and white, hidden front closed, silent guard; As a neutral color, gray is gentle and courteous, giving people space for meditation. Of the life impetuous, become quiet below gray tone smooth, appear more mysterious below lamplight collocation, a kind of noble and elegant temperament arises spontaneously. The light pours from the window side through the white gauze, leaving a mottling.
▼ 长辈房延续简约现代的格调,设计师选用亚麻色、灰蓝这些相对柔和的色调,契合老人家舒惬享老的生活心态,舒适亲肤的床品、精致的艺术饰件、甘甜芬芳的插花,营造亲和淳朴、安享自身的生活氛围,使空间里增添了几分柔软感;透过大玻璃窗让光和空气自由流通,大面积意大利灰色墙漆 . 点缀局部胡桃木色的文人气息,一把舒适的躺椅足矣,用慢生活的节奏点缀人生。

▼Elders room continuance contracted and contemporary style, stylist chooses flaxen, blue-gray these relatively gentle tone, with old comfortable life just enjoy old mentality, close skin comfortable bedding, exquisite artistic flower arrangement, trim, sweet and fragrant, affinity, enjoy the life itself and simple atmosphere, make the space on the soft touch; Let light and air flow freely through big glazing, paint of wall of large area Italian gray. The literati breath that adorns partial walnut wood color, a comfortable deck chair is sufficient, adorn life with the rhythm of slow life.
▼ 可开可合的移门设计既节省空间又保证不同功能空间的独立性和私密性,优雅沉稳的胡桃木色让书房变得内敛又温和,简约的吊灯让空间更具高级感;深色的胡桃木色反衬纯净的白色,沉稳又时尚,简洁又雅致,线性暗把手的设计,让收纳空间在视觉上有一种融于墙面的错觉,黑与白的强烈反差让人感受少即是多的克制美感。

▼The sliding door design that can open but close can save a space to assure the independence of different functional space and illicit close already, elegant and composed walnut color lets the study become inside collect gentle again, contracted droplight lets a space have advanced feeling more; Brunet walnut lubricious contrast is pure white, composed and fashionable, concise and refined, the design of linear dark handle, let receive a space to have the illusion that a kind of melds in metope on the vision, the sharp contrast of black and white lets a person experience little namely it is much restraint aesthetic feeling.
▼ 书房白色搭配胡桃木色打造宁静雅致的空间体验,择一角落,读书品茶,静享一段温暖与宁静,在这里,我们将珍爱的饰品珍藏,更将我们生活的点滴珍藏;一桌一柜,还有一窗连接自然,造型奇特的灯饰与艺术品,点缀空间简雅与时尚的艺术格调,在这样简净风格的书房中放松自我,可以随时拥抱生活的随意与闲适。

▼Study white with walnut color to create a quiet and elegant space experience, choose a corner, reading tea, quiet enjoy a warm and quiet, here, we will treasure the precious ornaments, but also our life a little collection; A desk one ark, still have a window to connect nature, the lamp with peculiar modelling is acted the role of and artwork, adorn the artistic style with fashionable simple and elegant space, relax oneself in the study of such simple and clean style, what can embrace life at will and leisurely and comfortable at any time.



堆儿糖 2021-12-01

这个大沙发好看 简单的感觉

陶陶_哇 2021-11-30


糖粉5e730e04 2021-11-27

好看 感觉特别舒服 是个零压力的家

欢乐马-随机id 2021-01-08


Thanks anyway🌹🌹🌹!
RM studio

RM studio 2021-01-05



欢乐马-随机id 2021-01-05


糖厂房管部 2020-07-10





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