一兜糖 > 全屋记 > “一抹蓝”贯穿的家


林七月 2020-07-15 · 最后回复来自 莫莫莫景年

户型:三居室 面积:120平米 风格:现代简约 预算:48万元 地区:浙江省舟山市

年龄 85后
人们都说大海是种心情; 我却觉得全部归功于你; 发梢染上忧愁; 退一步已不能随心所欲。 蓝,是从头到脚趾弥漫的气息; 是从眼到心,不声不言不语; 暗示从不留余地; 是对颜色饱和度的执迷。 有别于林七月以往案子热烈的标签,这次是一个看起来就比较冷静的案子。 我先来说一下本案的大致情况,屋主是自由经营者,常往返于金塘宁波之间,于是我也因为这个房子的地理位置开启了首个异地案的设计。 因为工作缘故,屋主会经常需要待在金塘,希望在这个相对宁波而言比较偏远的地方也能有一个自己工作之余能放松休闲的场所,当然周末妻子女儿也会来陪同小住,对于这个个人空间希望营造相对自我享受的情绪。 整个案子的效果比较沉稳,整体给人的感觉也是比较内敛的,有别于我本来的个性,大概就是屋主给我的直接感觉吧,房子和人总有那么些契合度,作为设计师本人也希望尝试不同的调性,走出自己的“设计舒适圈”。 因为是首个异地案(虽然这套案子距离不算远),最后能呈现这样的落地效果,离不开屋主的配合,再次强调,案子的落地,绝不是设计师一个人的功劳。
原本一进门浪费的玄关空间现在与餐厅空间功能重叠,北面阳台被纳入为厨房空间,开放式的厨房,增加了中岛的功能,这样的改变也南北采光更加直接。 What was once a wasted entry space now overlaps with the dining space, with the north terrace being integrated into the kitchen space and the open kitchen adding to the function of the Middle Island, Tristan da Cunha, a change that also brings more direct north and south lighting.
这样冷静的蓝色搭配黑色皮质的沙发并不觉得空间灰暗,而是更显高级,(因为舒适度的关系,这把沙发是屋主早前就决定要入),为了打破深色占主导的状态,浅色系的地毯,茶几,挂画,落地灯都是让空间活泼起来不可缺少的元素。 This Cool Blue Sofa with black leather does not feel grey, but more advanced, because of the Comfort, this sofa is the owner of the House decided to enter earlier, in order to break the dominance of dark color, light color carpet, tea Table, hanging pictures, floor lamp are to make the space lively up indispensable elements.
如果可以把风口都涂刷成同色蓝也是很棒的,因为考虑到空调风口长期使用会倒是彩色出现掉漆的情况,最后还是放弃了这个做法,最后这个白色的风口好像也能接受哈。 It would be great if you could paint all the vents the same color blue, because it was abandoned in the end, considering that long-term use of air conditioning vents would result in color loss of paint, finally, the White Tuyere seems to be acceptable.
关于乳胶色如何和柜子的配色达到和谐的状态,前期全屋定制时,我一般都会让商家根据我提供的乳胶色卡进行打样,后期乳胶就根据之前提供的色号进行涂刷,这样两个的配色就会相对比较接近,而不会因为不确定的色彩而出现后期色差严重的情况。 On how the latex color and cabinet color to achieve a harmonious state, pre-house customization, I will generally let the merchant according to my latex color card for proofing, post-latex on the basis of the color code previously provided to paint, so the two color matching will be relatively close, and not because of the uncertainty of color and late serious color difference.
原本玄关空间实在过于浪费,位置也比较尴尬,我把圆形餐桌放到了原来玄关的部分,同时把这个空间通过周边的规划变得比较方正,因为房子大部分的情况是屋主一人使用,餐椅的常态是被收起来的状态,如果有朋友家人聚会,1.2米直径的餐桌也刚刚好。 The entrance space was so wasteful and awkward that I moved the round dining table to the original Entryway section and made it more square through the surrounding plan, since most of the house is occupied by one person, the dining chairs are usually tucked away, and the 1.2 meter diameter table is just right for a gathering of friends and family.
这张很明确的可以看到沙发背景的蓝色,从侧面的墙体延伸到柜子,又以条状的形态从原梁继续延伸。 This one clearly shows the Blue Background of the SOFA, extending from the side wall to the cabinet and continuing from the original beam in the form of a strip.
感受一下柜子特写。 Get a feel for the closet close-up.
一组柜子的细节,一般设计柜子除了颜值,大部分遵循“性随机能”的原则,因为是进门玄关柜结合餐边柜的做法,最下层临时拖鞋的摆放位,进门外套,多余鞋子的储备,以及顺手就可以拿取和放置的开放柜都是因为功能而决定了它的存在合理性,只是加入了配色,让柜子和墙和梁做了衔接。 A group of cabinet details, general design cabinet in addition to the face value, most follow the principle of "sex random function, " because it is a combination of the entry door door door door cabinet cabinet with sideboard practice, the placement of temporary slippers on the bottom layer, the entry jacket, the storage of surplus shoes, and conveniently can take and place the open cabinet is because of the function and decided its existence rationality, just joined the color, let the cabinet and the wall and the beam made the connection.
餐厅部分因为纳入了原来阳台的关系,采光变得非常充足,吧台满足了屋主一人食的日常以及和朋友小聚喝酒聊天的小乐趣,有别于客厅沉稳的感觉,整体以白色和灰色为主,当然蓝色还是一以贯之,融入在每个空间里。 Partly due to the incorporation of the original balcony, the restaurant has become very full of light. The bar satisfies the daily life of eating alone and the small pleasure of drinking and chatting with friends, which is different from the sedate feeling of the living room, overall to white and gray-based, of course, blue or consistent, into each space.
煤气管和部分梁在处理时,尽量希望隐形,于是形成了墙体的前后层次关系,和一些趣味的弧形造型。 Gas Pipe and part of the beam in the treatment, as much as possible to invisible, so the formation of the wall before and after the hierarchical relationship, and some interesting arc shape.
吧台部分,木材质结合石英石做法。 The bar is made of wood and quartz stone.
开放式厨房,强烈推荐集成灶啦。 Open Kitchen, integrated stove is highly recommended.
过道角度可以看到蓝色经过玄关柜又窜到顶上,沿着原梁指引到私密空间。 The corridor angle can see the blue through the door cabinet and up to the top, along the original beam guide to the private space.
主要展示柜子,我很喜欢在过道做一些储物柜,本案刚好有这个条件,一部分作为卫生间额外储物的的一个囤货根据地,另一部分我会把一些打扫工具固定放在其中的柜子里,同时也会设计一些开放的部分作为小型homebar,晚上不用走太长的路径去厨房。 Mainly display cabinets. I like to make some lockers in the hallway. This case just has this condition. Part of it is a storage base for extra storage in the bathroom, in the other part I'll keep some of the cleaning tools in the cabinets, while also designing the open part as a small homebar that doesn't take too long a walk to the kitchen at night.
干区挨着淋浴位置,把洗衣烘干的位置也放到了这里,一般浴室柜以及干区墙面的处理大部分会选择功能为主(本案就是实用派的干区),会考虑收纳不乱,考虑防水潮湿问题,当然作为颜控的设计师本人还是喜欢干区能更加貌美,既然被开放出来,还是希望好好当门面的一部分经营啦。 Dry Area next to the shower location, the laundry drying location is also put here, the general bathroom cabinet and dry area wall treatment will choose function-oriented mostly (this case is practical dry area) , will consider to receive not disorderly, consider the problem of waterproof moisture, of course, as the designers of Yan Kong I still like the dry area can be more beautiful, since it was opened up, or hope to do a good part of the management of the facade.
客厅同款蓝和同款皮革床被延续到了主卧(当然床也是屋主早先确认),不同于客厅的是,卧室的蓝色背景是墙布的材质,更有肌理感和质感。 Living Room with the same blue and leather bed was extended to the master bedroom (of course, the bed is also the owner of the house earlier confirmed) , different from the living room is the blue background of the wall cloth material, more texture and texture.
这样的床背景好像都不需要什么额外的挂画装饰。 Such a bed background does not seem to need any extra hanging pictures decoration.
一般因为休息空间的关系,在卧室灯光设计的时候,很少采用直接的光源,代替的多为温和光源的线灯,同时在灯路控制时,多考虑不同睡眠习惯的人各自控制各自床头的光源较好。 Generally because of the relationship between the rest space, in the bedroom lighting design, very few direct light source, instead of the more moderate light source of the line, while in the light control, people with different sleep habits are better at controlling the amount of light at the end of their beds.
主卧连着衣帽间和主卫,因为空间比较局促的关系,可以选择不做柜门处理,我觉得这样更方便取物,如果考虑到凌乱和防尘,我多会在衣帽入口处以软隔断的形式阻隔,内卫采用透光的长虹玻璃,使衣帽间也有充分的采光。 The master bedroom is connected to the cloakroom and the main bathroom. Due to the tight space, I can choose not to do the cabinet door processing. I think it is more convenient to take things. If taking into account the clutter and dust, I will often use the form of a soft partition at the cloakroom entrance, inside Guard uses the long Rainbow Glass of pervious light, make cloakroom also has sufficient daylighting.
家里的木材质,如地板房门都会做比色,虽然是从不同商家采购,也能达到最好的和谐度。 The Wood of the home is qualitative, if floor room door can do colorimetric, although be from different merchant purchase, also can achieve best harmonious degree.
The whole study or to meet the main function, office, sleep, storage, bookcase and so on.
The wood finishes in the House are a uniform choice.
十个女孩,十个公主梦,逃不过粉色的诱惑,所以还是希望粉的够高级,带灰度的粉搭配橡皮灰,满足公主梦的同时也和整个空间都可以融洽,圆球灯大概是最近的大爱,简单的同时却又很俏皮,满分契合女儿房。 Ten daughters, ten princess dreams, can not escape the temptation of pink, so still hope that the pink is high enough, with gray powder with rubber ash, meet the dream of the princess at the same time and the whole space can be harmonious, round light is probably the most recent love, simple yet playful, perfect for a daughter's room.
4.外卫干湿分离,内卫取消淋浴功能释放空间创造更多的储物,保持了主卧的纵深的同时预留了休闲。 5.北面房间兼书房睡眠与独立储物功能,满足更多日常的可能性。



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